Media Appearances

Our Media Appearances

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Here’s a excerpt from the episode’s description:

“In this episode, Shane talks with Tina and Michael LeBlanc about their book, The 10 Habits of Happy Couples. Tina and Michael are the wife-husband duo behind Better Yourself 365, where they work exclusively with couples. Hear how they decided to marry each other and work together, their new approach to counseling, the importance of bettering yourself first as an individual, how much they work on their own relationship, and why couples often have shame in seeking therapy.”

Listen to Tina and Michael’s conversation aboutĀ The 10 Habits of Happy Couples onĀ The Couples Therapist Couch

Here’s a excerpt from the episode’s description:

EFT therapists, business partners and married couple Tina & Michael LeBlanc join us to talk about their new book,Ā The 10 Habits of Happy Couples. They offer specific skills that can be practiced between therapy sessions for deepening connection, making repairs after fights and protecting the relationship.


Listen to Tina and Michael’s conversation about The Habits of Happy CouplesĀ (or What To Do Between Sessions) onĀ That Relationship Show:

Here’s a excerpt from the episode’s description:

“Today we have a fantastic conversation about [Tina and Michael’s new book, The 10 Habits of Happy Couples]. Whoā€™s relationship doesnā€™t need some work? Whether you are in a relationship where all the alarm bells are sounding, or you are just interested in making it better, this conversation is for you. We chat about the 10 Habits, which are: prioritizing your relationships, bettering yourself, sex, communication patterns, and so much more.”

Listen to Tina and Michael’s conversation about the habits of happy couples on Soul Sister Conversations: